Belle had been watching the occurrences before them when she heard a distinct change in Poppy's Heart Song. Turning to look at her, she noticed an interesting expression on the girl's face. What did it mean though? Belle had no idea. Why would Poppy get so angry at something like that? _Human hearts are such fickle things._ Muse sighed. _You can say that again._ **"Hm... Why don't we go to my room. You said you were interested in my work and I need to go by that old classroom anyway and pick up my latest work."** Belle offered, snickering softly at Poppy's actions. Before long, her snickers turned into full blown chuckling. Her eyes closed and began to water as she held her sides, hurting as they were. **"You're the best."** Belle spoke through her laughs, happy that she'd met this person. **"Sorry for laughing at you. Are you alright?"** She asked, unable to remove the small smile on her face as she looked up to Belle. She still sat in her seat, her legs crossed and her hands in her lap.