Grace didn’t notice that the woman’s body puffed up at her trying to act like she had authority, she was to focused by the feeling of being pushed down to the ground without being touched, Also the fact that in her mind, she was apologizing over and over again. It was strange, this feeling she had, she wasn’t used to feeling as weak as she did in front of this woman. Grace wasn’t very fond of this feeling, and fright against it with all her might as she was backing away. [b]“No, no I’m not worried for the guards, my father’s guards are some of the best. I’m worried about the townsfolk. What would stop them from coming out here? The beast doesn’t leave the forest…..from what they say. What about whatever else is not here?”[/b] She answered the woman truthfully, in her mind not telling the truth was protecting the other people in her father’s kingdom. If it was going to protect others than wasn’t it better to lie and suffer the truth herself? [b]“Besides even if it had attacked me, it was beautiful. I don’t want it’s head on my father’s wall. I never spoke of being normal, if I was proper and normal I would be in bed. Not speaking to you.”[/b] She added softly as she shook her head. Soon the woman had Grace where her back was against the tree, the truth slowing coming to her head. It was not a place she wanted to be, but she was afraid to move around the woman. Even the fact the woman said she meant no harm, Grace was shaking, afraid and fighting the urge to sink yet again. At her words about examining her, the princess’s eyes looked at her confused. How did she plan on examining her? [b]“Well yes of course these questions trouble me! But not as much as the idea of you killing me, this time does!”[/b] She squeaked out in rushed words, they had come out before she had time to stop herself. She took a deep shaky breath closing her eyes to calm herself before anything else could come rushing out, opening her eyes she continued. [b]“I would like to believe that….that I can leave and never come back if…if that is what you really want. Though the fact you didn’t kill me the first time and haven’t yet….”[/b] What the hell was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she just shut up!! She let out a small growl at herself closing her eyes again as she tried to pull herself together. The new part of her was causing her to almost plead for her life to this woman who was just “examining her”. It was sickening how weak she sounded to herself right now.