Currently closed for new. Just editing this. Hello everyone! Thespian here. As the title suggests I am looking for a one on one role play. First, let me lay down some ground rules 1) I am not a fan of romance, to be 100% honest. This does NOT mean I won't have it in the role play. But, I would rather that the plot contains a great deal of other elements as well. I have had way too many bad experiences with completely romantic plots. To go with this; I don't care how pretty your character is mine will not find them 'OMG HOLY ATTRACTIVE I'M GONNA DATE THEM FOREVER' at first glance. In fact, it may never get to this point. I like to build things as we go. See how the plot takes us. I am able to play mature scenes however, so long as they have to do with the plot and we aren't doing nothing but sex. And finally, mxf, mxm, fxf. Any work. 2) I prefer to play male. Now, if you think this means that I would be the perfect person to fling your female characters at so they can get some romance please reread number one. I would say that 90% of my characters are geared so that they can never find romance and be happy. I repeat, this does not mean there will not be romance. Just please do not give me one of those shy, sweet, perfect characters. Those bug me to be honest :( No human is that perfect. No character should be either. Flaws make things interesting. To go with this, I will always play more than one character. Mostly because I have a hard time sticking to just one. Do you need to? Of course not. It would be nice, but I don't truly care either way. 3) I only role play fantasy/sci-fi. Realism just gets dull for me. 4) I love chatting. Expect ooc conversations to happen. Such things are great both for getting to know one another, and for plotting out the role play. In character, I can tend to be very wordy as well. My posts are normally 2 paragraphs +. It depends on how much I have to reply to. I do not mimic posts, however. I have gotten 3 paragraphs from a one paragraph reply. My posts are however long I feel I can make them. 5) Plots are fun! And, I love to run wild with them; creating twists and turns. But, do not be afraid to throw in your own plots. In fact, you are welcome to! After all, it takes two people to make a one x one role play successful. 6) This will be 100% over pms. I tend to forget about threads. In fact, expect me to forget this one and just pm me to talk. 7) Please know your basics. No overpowered characters, no controlling my characters, etc ** At the moment, I am only looking for something with anthros and/or medieval fantasy.**