Nathan sighed to himself as both Peter and Dr. McCoy came up to him. Was it that obvious? He rubbed his eyes as he shook his head. “Look I was working a bit and I didn't realize what time it was until...” Nathan paused trying to come up with either the right answer, or an answer he could get away with. “Midnight?” It didn't sound very convincing but it had to do. “I think I figure out a breakthrough in the non-violent electro halt system. I tried reconfiguring the electrons that the main energy compartment gave out. Last time it made that watermelon explode if you'll recall right? Well this time only PART of the watermelon exploded when I tried it out. THAT is what I call a success!” It was a weird thing with Dr. Richards. Things when he was testing sometimes had a knack for blowing up. If it was the goal or not was usually not the point. Though thankfully Dr. Richards would make sure to protect the HQ if any blast was possibly too dangerous. Course their was that one time he made something that was going to detonate. So reacting quickly Dr. Richards swallowed it using an elastically unhinged jaw and throat. It worked, but Dr. Richards' body was so stretched out by the blast he covered the entire lab in a massive blanket of himself. A dizzy mess for about a few days before he could reform himself properly. “Still not here nor there...” Dr. Richards was going to go into his next plan of attack when he suddenly a warm paper cup tapped against his shoulder. His girlfriend Susan, in her beaming warm smile, instantly made Nathan feel much better. He delightfully took the cup and with a second arm stretched it around her waist. Bringing her close in for a kiss on the cheek. “Eh it was a thing sweetie.” Nathan told her warmly. “Thank you for the coffee though, I need a pick-me-up.” He took a sip, cream and a bit of sugar, just how he liked it. Seriously she was great like that. Before he could sip some more down he paused, a metaphorical light bulb popping up over his head. “Oh dear you know how when we were looking at your powers last I suggested possibly something that can help reverse the light rays that would beam off your eyes thus making it easier to see while you're invisible? I think I might have something but I need to get a shipment of statically charged carbon lenses that should hopefully work with a solar based battery to make it possible for the rays to not interfere with your vision but allow you to remain completely invisible. I'll try to get some tests going soon though.” “Tests that won't involve something exploding I hope...” “Well assuming HEY! That's not funny!”