Susan blushed as her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Your welcome sweetie. You know you need the coffee because you are always working and you seriously should take a bit of a break honey.." the blondie said kissing her boyfriend's cheek while with her free hand she ruffled his hair. He was also working and he just needed.. at least an hour or two of rest. Probably more but still. "...." Susan stared at her boyfriend as he spoke and spoke about her powers and how he should make her vision better when she turns invisible. Her eyes squinted, as she shook her head and walked towards Nathan. Was he really serious talking about this? Well yeah... she did need to know more about her obtained powers but Nathan seriously needed to take some rest. All the time she talks to him, he always ends up changing the subject OR getting some ideas with a light bulb popping above his head about his super nerdy scientific stuff. WHICH she didn't care about having a boyfriend who is all into the science.. It was just Nathan has been working a little to hard, especially into finding more information about their powers. Susan couldn't help but to giggle softly as she placed a hand on her boyfriend's back. "Honey.... I understand you want to help me out and stuff. And seriously.. I need the help, but today.. you look like you have been working a bit to much.. so please just take a break for a bit.. drink some coffee..." Susan said grabbing Nathan's hand where the coffee was and lifting it up to his mouth so he could sip. If he wasn't going to do that, she should do it herself. "And we will just work on that TOGETHER but later on, alright? And please, seriously.. don't overwork yourself... you seriously don't want to end up exploding other things.... remember the last time you did? she rose an eyebrow shaking her head, poking Nathan's cheek playfully. How cute was he? "Who is laughing..?" And that was Nathan being random, ladies and gentleman. Susan's boyfriend.