The monster of a Captain kept her after the briefing and came within centimeters of touching her. She was worried that he might try to molest her as an officer had done in the past but instead he explained his disapproval of her being in his unit. It was something she had expected but it didn't change the fact that this man was terrifying. Part of her thanked God that he was her Captain, as the enemy would surely be just as afraid of him as she was. The difference in height made him all the more intimidating. The Captain, who was easily close to two meters tall, towered over her like a giant. She didn't dare make any action to indicate her fear of him as it would probably have prompted more shouting at the very least. Her heart was racing and she held her breath as he continued to make it absolutely clear that she wasn't welcome among his ranks. Finally being dismissed was a blessing as a single tear fell down her cheek when she turned away. She wiped her face clean as she gathered her things and kitted up. When she made it to the lift she made a point to be as far from the Captain as possible. She didn't want to invoke his wrath with her proximity. As the lift rose up to the deck she could see the helicopters that would be carrying all the Royal Marines to battle. Mandi wasn't very knowledgeable when it came to aircraft but she knew enough to understand that helicopters weren't exactly the most well armored of transports and that thought worried her. They would be flying into a combat zone shortly and a few unlucky rounds to this things engine could potentially send then crashing to the earth below at great speed. The order to board was given. As much as she didn't want to Mandi went in second next to Captain Mackenzie, she was instructed by the Captain to stay behind the big boys after all but being so close to him made her shiver. She kept her head down and said a little prayer for everyone. "...though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy Rod and thy Staff shall comfort me..."