CS Name: Justice Age: 17 Species: Exator Gender: Female Title: Army: Exators Appearance: [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/v77ax2.jpg[/IMG] Personality: All Justice wants is death, she wants to being all three species to extinction, why? Just because she can. She wants to prove that she is the best, the ultimate predator. She loves nothing more than death and destruction. Being part predator, she is extremely smart, able to invent her own tech. Bio: Justice was captured by the humans, and forced to undergo experiments. As the experiments went on, she swore, that she would make the humans pay, she mutated, and became extremely hostile, sadly, nobody was killed, but, she was able to escape. when she escaped, she began hunting humans, predator, and aliens, even predaliens., learning from them as she did. Abilities: He can talk fluent English, predator and alien. He can use predator tech, he has acidic blood, super human speed, strength, agility, endurance, intelligence, senses and regeneration. He can also sense anything with alien blood. Family: Friends: Loved Ones: Sentimental Attachment: Other: