Hey. It's Penumbra. *bells and whistles 'n' shit* I've had lots of experience in RP'ing, primarily in fantasy and MAGUCUL POUERZZZ OMGG. SO looking to broaden my horizons and whatnot because I really should not just sit in the same area and be like "heuehaah wow im so g00d at this lel" I am of the female gender, and identify as such, but srsly IDGAF if you refer to me as he because I'm lazy and mix people up all the time. Also all my characters are male so people often think I am male for some reason. So there's that. I like basketball a lot. Hit me up if you're a fan. I'm a Toronto Raptors fan, because scummy Canadian pride. #wethenorth whoo Also a fan of swimming. Katie Ledecky is my girl. I am sports anime scum. Seriously I watch a lot if you want a recommendation hit me up. (Some of my faves are Basquash!, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Kuroko no Basuke, Real, Prince of Tennis, Dear Boys, Dan Doh!!, and Yowamushi Pedal.) I love shotas. Not sexually, I just love them. Luka from MonsterGirlQuest and Momo and Ai from Free! are personal favourites, but if you count the Villager as one, he is my life. <3 I'm a video game fan. I want to work in the economics and business sectors of video game companies. I play a lot of online games like TERA, Loadout, and Wakfu, but I'm also a big visual novel fan. I used to be huge into DoTA 2 but I became a casual and moved to League of Legends. I'm also freakishly into Grim Fandango. Best game. <3 Also I still play Neopets durr. (Jetsam life holla holla) Thinking about politics when I'm a lot older because I start post-secondary next year. Reading is fun I like Chuck Palahniuk and stuff IDFK there's a lot. BLAH BLAH WHATEVER THAT'S A LOT. YAY AND STUFF. LOOKING FORWARDS TO BEING HERE. HIT ME UP VIA PM IF YOU WANT TO SKYPE SOMETIME. cya l8r allyg8rs