“Right, right.” Poppy muttered, blushing and getting off of Belle. She stumbled a bit, but managed to stand up alright. How embarrassing. She just met this girl and already she’s made a fool of herself…multiple times. Wow, after this one, Poppy probably should take a breather from people. Yeah, definitely. Maybe then she’ll be able to calm down her seemingly permanent flaming face. Poppy inhaled and smiled lopsidedly, slipping a hand into her pocket and withdrawing a scrap of paper. She always had paper in her pockets, she never threw away her trash and she would have to clean it out soon. Nevertheless, it came in handy. Poppy scribbled something down quickly and then gave it to Belle, hoping with hope that she could read her chicken scrawl. “Uh, I, um, have to go, and stuff. But, call me, and we can, uh, hang out…and stuff. Y’know, if you want to, I mean, I’m not gonna force you to hang out with me, that would be counterproductive and, uh, yeah, so, um. I should go.” Poppy grinned awkwardly, her eyebrow rising slightly and she spun on her heel, walking away to where she assumed her dorm would be. She didn’t spend much time in the dorm; most of her sleeping was even done in the library, after all. It took a couple of minutes to find it from where she cheek-kissed Belle – [i]don’t think about it, Poppy, your just gonna make yourself blush![/i] – and she removed her keys from her pocket, jiggling it into the lock. The door swung open and Poppy immediately collapsed onto her bed. Home sweet home.