Name: Casey Thilims Age: 20 Sex: Female ------- Casey is not an outgoing girl or even a sociable one when you do get her to talk; often, making small talk is like an interrogation. She is very introverted and often slinks about in the shadows, keeping her head low and her eyes off of people. Casey is not ugly, nor is she a bad person, but for some reason getting a word out of her is an Olympian task. If you did manage to ask her about how she felt, you'd find her to be a hard-core liberal who looked at the world through a huge pair of rose-tinted glasses. Often, she could be found staring out of a window with glazed eyes, daydreaming about something. Because of that, her academic performance has drooped considerably. She outwardly appears as a tomboyish, sturdily built person with somewhat tanned skin. She is around five feet ten inches tall, with a thick body, toned muscles, and a sharp-cut face with dark green eyes. Her dark hair is kept short. Casey usually wears thick, heavy clothing, such as hoodies and sweat pants. She has several scars on her body, obvious scars from cuts and slashes in the past. ------- Casey's introvert personality may be explained by her rather tragic upbringing. She was born on the tenth of November in 1994, to a pair of ex-hippies that lived in a tiny town somewhere in the North. She was raised with the teachings of love and happiness, growing older with happiness in her heart and optimism flourishing. Alas, it would not last. She was twelve and riding in the middle row of their minivan, some ancient Oldsmobile Silhouette. It was in the evening of a beautiful autumn day when school was about to start. Her eight year old brother sat beside her, and her baby sister was in the back. They were on a dirt back road in the countryside, going home from a day in the town, when two teens in a Toyota MR2 jumped a hill at nearly ninety miles per hour. It lost control and crashed head-on into the van, killing both of them instantly. Casey and her mother were severely injured; her baby sister, Celia, died within a couple minutes as they lay trapped in the twisted wreckage. Her brother would die later that night in the hospital, with her father dying a couple days later. The rest of her childhood was spent in physical therapy to try and get her back into shape... she managed a full recovery with a few scars. Her mother ended up losing a leg and suffered severe neurological damage, with short-term memory loss, a blind eye, partial deafness, and muscle weakness being just some of the symptoms. She took to heavy drinking and drug use, leaving Casey to grow up alone. Casey managed to get into college and is now studying for electronics, spending half of her day learning and half of her day working to pay her bills.