[quote=SirBeowulf] By the way, you don't have to make so many spaces between the paragraphs. One is fine. That would probably help with the length as well. (don't worry you're not the only advanced level guy. WE CAN MAKE OUR LONG POSTS TOGETHER.) [/quote] That's mainly the consequence of using my phone to copy and paste stuff, apologies on the spacing. [quote=Prince of Seraphs] Oh only 23 pages well that's positively tiny. Though when you realize most CSes rang from 2 to 8 pages on Microsoft Word depending on the literacy of the RPer and detail of the character. When you take that into consideration you start to see what the problem might be. Namely that no one is going to want to read your CS. The CSes are meant to be a referance for appearance and personality and the like so someone who needs that referance doesn't have to read through the entire IC looking for a particular something but when they are as long as yours it is quicker to read though the IC. Simply speaking your CS isn't practical for what a CS is supposed to do, we don't need every detail of the characters life and every personality quirk just a general over view is perfectly fine. [/quote] Fair enough statement, however when I usually get into things it results in me making a very huge ass backstory with the myriads of things you mentioned. I can understand where this is coming from, and i'm sorry if it caused you any trouble.