[h2][b]A Collaborative post between Zordon and Liriia[/b][/h2] Hazel took the outstretched hand carefully, nodding once as she repeated the name over and over within her mind to be sure to remember. Zaylin, what a nice name, Hazel smirked a bit at the thought then stood swiftly, bowing at the waist out of habit while she still awkwardly clung to the other girl's hand. After a moment's pause she straighten, releasing the hand and blushing furiously as she stammered out a quick, "Sorry, gotta run!" Before jogging off towards the main school building. The bun that had barely withstood even the slightest late-summer breeze fell apart as she ran, allowing her long hair to fall and tangle against her shoulders and back. She puffed a stray clump away from her nose as she pushed through one of the many side doors and glanced around cautiously. It seemed as though the next period had just started, proven by the few stragglers who were glancing through closed doors with upturned eyebrows or gathering books hurriedly from their lockers, and as Hazel slowed down to a peppy walk she kept her gaze forward and face straight. Didn't want to attract any unneeded attention, she was in too much of a rush to talk to others. The halls soon became empty the further she wandered, and with slight worry she neatened her hair and glanced about, eyes finally landing upon the music room door. 'Looks like she's still in, thank goodness...' She thought as her eyes quickly saw the dark silhouette of Ms. Sonata within the colorful room. Hazel took one last moment to adjust herself, smoothing down her shirt and hair multiple times before finally rasping her fist against the wood, silvery eyes peering through with slight anxiety as she uttered a firm, "You'll be fine." To herself. [quote]Cerise stood in the vivid music room, a visible black hole in comparison to her surroundings, finishing her conversation with Elena. The young girl showed promise musically and though many would not believe her to be capable of such a thing, Cerise cared deeply for the child. After all, Elena didn't cower like the other children. In fact, Elena has done quite the opposite since they had first met. Memories of their first meeting brought a soft smile to her lips as Elena gathered her things. "Do not forget our conversation here, child. Enjoy your lunch period." she murmured, just as a light knock met her ears. "It appears mine will have to wait a few minutes more." Elena said nothing, simply nodding and leaving the room with her books clung tightly to her chest. Cerise watched as the young girl left, leaving an anxious one standing in her door frame. "You may enter." She spoke with authority, taking a seat nearest the piano. "You must have come to visit me for a reason, child. You look troubled. Tell me - what troubles you?"[/quote] Hazel nodded briefly as a girl whom she didn't know opened the door and then brushed passed her, saying nothing in exchange. She sighed once, head hanging low, but perked up as the familiar voice of Ms. Sonata drew her inside. Hazel smiled slightly, hands folded gently on her lap as she bowed slightly upon meeting the teacher's gaze, eyebrows upturning slightly, "Oh, ah, I'm not troubled at all, I just..." She toyed with her cuticles, lips pursing as she sought for the words, "It's just, don't you think it would be a good idea to make a Music Club? Like, I think lots of the students would have fun with it, we could all hang out and practice music. Maybe even... Preform, if we can. Like a rock band! I thought that since you're the music teacher you might like to be the adviser or something, or maybe you can help us practice, or, or..." She trailed off, blushing as she realized she had just kind of went off on a tangent suddenly. Poor Ms. Sonata might be a bit overwhelmed. "Sorry, I'm just kind of excited about this. I love music after all. It might be the only reason why I was allowed to go here..." She dug her heel into the paneled floor, ignoring the squeaky sound produced as she stared down at the dark-haired woman expectantly, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, though. I can always find another teacher..." [quote]It was not often that Cerise caught herself smirking and yet here she was, twice in a matter of minutes. She shook her head from side to side, her ebony tresses swaying slightly. "Please, sit." She spoke, gracefully lifting a hand and motioning to a nearby chair. She watched intently in the silence as the girl nervously followed orders. "Do not be a fool, child. What teacher would best suit a music club if not for the music teacher? But, you knew that already." Cerise spoke barely above a whisper as a devious smile threatened to cross her face. She stood slowly, now looming over the poor girl. "Surely you are aware that the school already has various clubs for the arts. Tell me. How will this music club of yours differ from all the others?"[/quote] [i]'Holy crap, I didn't realize how creepy Ms. Sonata can be. If looks could kill, I guess.'[/i] Hazel's thoughts on the dark teacher's appearance were interrupted as she was instructed to take a seat. Polite as always, she nodded briefly and stepped over to the nearest seat as quietly as possible. Sitting awkwardly on the chair, Hazel nodded as the teacher spoke, and once the dark-feeling woman was looming over her like some sort of predator she let out a short, nervous laugh. She slowly sat back, allowing her own eyes to meet the dark Cerise's and with a small shrug she began to rattle off again, "Well, it wouldn't be much different from the music classes. I'm imagining it to be a get together for those who love music, where they can all talk, practice, and maybe even p-preform if they want too," she curled a strand of hair around her finger tightly, ignoring the sting of restriction as she continued on, "Like, perhaps the students could perform and provide constructive criticism aimed at improving performance and compositional skills. We could maybe even form some kind of vocal-and-instrumental band that can preform at dances or other gigs. That way, it's both educational and fun. A win-win, right?" As she spoke, her uncomfortable anxiety grew to be a passing threat, and she even managed to smile a tiny bit as she described the club's properties and possibly activities. [quote]Ms. Sonata crossed her arms across her chest, eyeing the girl carefully. "What is your name, girl?"[/quote] "Ah, right, Hazel, Hazel Barwicke." She smiled gently, blushing slightly after forgetting the most needed part of introductions. [quote]"Well, well Miss Hazel.." Cerise stroked lightly at her chin as if deep in thought, her eyes never breaking contact with the girl. "I will discuss the possibility of this club with the headmistress. You will need to come up with a schedule for the club meetings, a agenda to get us started and a list of say, 5 other students interested in the concept. Only then can I approach the headmistress." She bent at the waist, her nose nearly brushing against Hazel's. "Do you think you can manage that, child?" Cerise silently wondered to herself the answer to her own question. Was this young girl, twirling her hair in what seemed to be a nervous habit, be capable of organizing the club? Granted, Cerise knew that if the girl was incapable-she may very well go to the headmistress herself for approval anyway. The concept of a music club had planted a seed and Cerise saw this as a way to expand her private collection of musicians. After all, most of the students avoided her for her appearance, and might still if Hazel mentioned her as the sponsor of this club. Music has always been a sweet spot for Miss Sonata. She silently wished the girl luck, while awaiting her response.[/quote] Hazel listened to Ms. Sonata's demands with a concentrated expression, repeating each need within her head many times in an effort to remember it. Perhaps she should start investing in colorful strings to tie around her fingers, that could help with her memory issue... No time to think about that now, though! Focus! "I believe I can manage it, Ms. Sonata. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot to me..." Her smile widened, feeling complete joy as her dream of joining a music club was now within her reach. With a little bounce in her step she rose, brushing back a few clumps of hair as she slightly bowed once more to the music teacher, "I'll have everything ready before the end of the week, hell, maybe even the end of the weekend!" She put hand to her mouth as she uttered the curse word, but brushed it off just as quick as she glanced towards the door. With one last smile towards the teacher she turned, slipped through the doorway, and was soon gone, running down the hall with the excitement of a child. [center][h2]----------------------------------[/h2][/center] Elena strode down the hall, the sound of her steps slightly echoing in the empty corridor. She clung her books to her chest, thinking about what Ms. Sonata had said about her composition. She had also spoke to her briefly about the passing of Helen - asking if it bothered her. To be honest, Elena hadn't thought about it much. She didn't know the girl and though she'd heard the stories - she did her best not to linger on the horrifying imagery people described. She raised a hand, shielding her eyes from the sun as she exited the building and into the bright sunlight. She smiled as the rays warmed her skin, a welcome feeling after being in Ms. Sonatas presence. The woman cared for Elena but she had never been able to get used to the cold aura that surrounded her. Within a few moments, Elena found herself nearest the football field, gazing as the team began to practice. She had never been good at land sports and her...unusual circumstances prevented her from joining the one team she most wanted to; the swim team. Breaking out of her trance of admiring the athleticism below, she turned back the cover of the book she carried and dug through her bag for a pencil, clicking the eraser a few times and pressing the lead to paper. Her piece was incomplete and now was as good a time of any to work on it.