[b]Tyler - Fitness Center - Scarlett[/b] He turned to watch Scarlett as she paced about the room. She started asking questions, which prompted Jace and Tina to share a look. "Tremblay," Tyler said, clarifying her question. "We'd understand if that was the case. I've been in those kinds of deals before." Not on this side, of course, but... "They're still dangerous," Tina said, not even bothering to deny it. "We still have to be careful when we go outside, okay? They don't like new people, especially." Nodding, Tyler looked back toward the pool. They admitted that a little easily, perhaps indicating there was more going on that they weren't letting on to. He thought back to his own past experiences, and wondered just exactly who this Tremblay was. A dangerous man, it sounded like, but so was Reggie, after all. Perhaps Tina and Jace wished to give them over to this group, but Tyler took some solace in the fact that they'd tried to keep this deal a secret in the first place. "They usually bring two people," Jace explained. "Sometimes three, sometimes four. They... might not like it if we outnumber them." --- [b]Jon - Baton Rouge Streets - Matt[/b] He stopped, aiming his rifle across the street. The fitness center where they did their deals was in his sights, and as far as Jon could tell, the group they were to meet with were waiting inside. "I see two people. Looks like them." He turned to Jackson, placing a hand on his back so he'd lead the way. "Matt, if they get uppity, feel free to get a little dangerous with them. We never know when things could go awry." Doing as he should be, Jackson started leading the way. His heavy arms tensed as he balled his hands into fists. The man felt he was more intimdating during these deals without a gun, for whatever reason. Perhaps he'd one day get killed and save Jon a headache. One could only hope.