[color=brown][i]Now I wish I hadn't told her to get off of me..[/i][/color] Belle thought sourly as she sat up, looking a bit.. down and out. [color=black][i]I was wondering why you said that...[/i][/color] Muse replied, tsking her slightly. Belle shook her head and got up, dusting the dirt off of her already dirty clothes which felt like a wasted effort at this point. Poppy probably had dabs of paint on her now... She'd have to apologize for that later. Sighing, she turned to unlock her door and step in to start a side project before going to bed. She found herself drawing pictures of that girl pulling all of the metal together. She stood in the middle of a molten metal storm, crying. Belle hadn't really meant for it to turn out like that, it just sort of... did. Soon, she was dressed for bed, a one piece pajama set she'd gotten from her aunt. It had colorful ducks all over it. It wasn't exactly the most attractive thing in the world, but it was warm and comfortable. She stayed laid in bed for a few hours, simply day-dreaming before sleep took her in it's long embrace.