[quote=RomanAria] OMGOSH SWIMMERS UNITE! Seriously though, there aren't enough swimmers on the guild. Welcome aboard! [/quote] Oh, almost all my characters are water-themed. ^^; C00l to see other swimmers, though. What's your poison? I'm a marathoner, myself; 4k-8k swims, generally. But I do race, my favourites (and conveniently best) being backstroke and butterfly. I usually end up doing the 800 and 1500 free though. :p [quote=Kirra] Hello Penumbra and welcome to the Guild! It's good that you are looking to expand what you are used to roleplay. It can be a challenge but a fun challenge to expand your roleplaying horizon. I hope you can find a few great roleplays to start off your stay here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! [/quote] thxthx. I see you're quite the welcome wagon. Appreciate it. d(+_+)b