He didn't pull away from the gentle touches, nor did he fight when Seishu pulled the pillow away from his face. The tune made him look up at Seishu and the gentle and light kisses made him smile. It was cute, like all of those cute couples he would see around the realm or even in the human realm. And then Seishu kissed him and Enasi didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Some how, Seishu managed to be so comforting. Normally, he thought Seishu's meaning of comfort was the love bites and the playful fighting he got from his minions, however he thought it over and remembered all of the tender kisses and hugs he gave to his own minions. *I hope they're okay. . . I shouldn't bother him about his minions. I'm the reason he had to leave so soon.* His smile faded some and he looked at Seishu as he spoke. The Dream Guardian had to admit, he was a bit surprised to hear Seishu apologizing rather than talking to him. Enasi felt like telling him otherwise and stopping him, but something told him to stay quiet. Instead of telling him things he should do, Seishu was telling him that he had to fix it on his own. That was new and very unlike him. For fleeting moments, Enasi thought something was wrong. Maybe he had been complaining too much for his counterpart. . . Had Seishu given up on him? That thought, even though it was a very least likely thought, made his heart sink. Even if it just fleeting moments. . . Enasi nodded slow and offered his own smile. "I'll. . . I'll keep you in mind- um, *that* in mind." He laughed lightly at the minor mistake before adding with a light blush. "Well, you too, but you know what I meant. And I won't push him away. . . I promise." He gave a reassuring nod, and watched Seishu walk away. He wondered why Seishu decided to go, but he didn't question. He simply accepted it and thought over what his counterpart said. Normally there was more to it. . . And even a fight occasionally, but not this time. Enasi sighed deeply and laid his headvback, staring at the ceiling. "Now, how to fix it, how to fix it. . ." Enasi hummed a soft melody to a forgotten song and closed his eyes. He heard the footsteps and wing flutters of his little minions, but continued humming. After a few moments however he paused and opened his eyes. He expected them to have already jumped on the bed, but the lack of movement made him stop. He looked at their wide, curious eyes and lightly patted the bed. Towards the gesture, the three of them hopped onto the bed. Rasha climbed up and took a seat right on Enasi's lap in his cat form. Rue followed suit, cuddling up to one side. Inui on the other hand moved a bit slower, more cautious of his own energy than the others seemed to be. Enasi simply smiled however and pulled him closer to him with the others. "Are you okay Lord Enasi?" Rue looked up with bright hopeful eyes. Inui expressed his own concerns through his facial expressions and Rasha purred as he was petted. Enasi gazed at each of them before smiling softly. "I will be." He hugged each of them, giving them light pecks on the cheek before sighing. "I do apologize for making you worry so much. I've just been a tad-" "You don't have to apologize Lord Enasi!" "We know you mean well." "We just want you to get better." The guardian laughed softly and grinned. "You three are so adorable! But, thank you." He nodded and gave a content sigh. They didn't know why he was thanking them, but they simply nodded and stayed by his side. For awhile, it was a peaceful quiet, save for Enasi's hums of different songs. The guardian wondered about a lot of things and contemplated others. As much as he wanted to snap his fingers and fix things, he knew it would take some time. He just hoped it wouldn't take too much time. After some time, time he didn't realize had passed, he realized Inui and Rasha had fallen asleep against him. Rue had gently poked Enasi's cheek to see if he had fallen asleep, causing him to slowly open his eyes. "Are you tired? Should I get Seishu to rest too?" He sat up, prepared to help his guardian any way he could. "No thank you Rue. I'm still awake. Just enjoying the quiet." "Does. . .that hurt? Should Crios check on you now?" "It only hurts if I move the wrong way, so I think I'm fine. I'm sure Crios will be here soon enough to come check on me. So, in the mean time you can just sit here with me." Rue nodded and laid back again, falling silent. Enasi smiled softly, but after a few moments, spoke in a soft and gentle voice so he didn't wake the other to. "Even though it ended pretty rocky. . . What was the Nightmare Realm like for you?" Rue closed his eyes in remembrance. He thought over how dark it was and all of the wildlife that tried to attack him. Then there were the minions he saw. . . With a smile, Rue spoke. "In its own way, the Nightmare Realm is a beautiful place. I'd love to see it again sometime, just without the potential death of course." He laughed softly, only to get another hug from Enasi. "Maybe one day." -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Cho had walked past a little bit around the time Inui and Rasha had dozed off. He peeked in, only to see if he was needed and then went off to go back to work. Starla had left sometime early, already in the garden. It didn't take long for her to find Finn lying on the ground, gently persuading the flowers to bloom. "How is everything here?" Finn sat up slowly and stretched. "Hm, better than a few minutes ago. . . Some are actually blooming now, but a lot of them are being rather stubborn." He leaned against his legs and eyed a few closed lavender colored flowers, still waiting for them to cooperate.