My face falls for the briefest of moments, but I quickly master myself, employing a more neutral expression. Cassandra's answer, though not what I wanted, was no more than I expected. As of this moment I have yet to completely profile my teammates, instead relying on my preliminary findings and basic evaluations of their characters, and what I know of Miss Martin should have informed me that this would have been the flavor of her answer. She suffers from the fierce independence and refusal to rely on others that seems to color most vigilante hero types, myself included (Ironic really, when you consider our current location and situation!). I realize now that coming at her head on was a mistake. Now I've only made her grit her teeth and dig her heels, even less likely to accept my help than she was at the beginning. In retrospect I should have employed a more obsequious ploy. Alas, hindsight is 20/20, even for one such as I. I have gained some insight though, mostly through her physical reactions. Firstly she seemed ready to attack me (Another reaction I was expecting, though what I would have done in a physical confrontation against a woman trained by Amazons I'm not entirely certain), but then her face relaxed and she displayed the motions of suppressing a sigh, both signs of relief. At first I imagined it was because I had managed to penetrate her frosty exterior, but now I am unfortunately forced to reevaluate. [I]Assumption;[/i] Relief not caused by proffered helping hand, perhaps I have missed something she wishes kept secret. Again I go back to her exile to Paradise Isle. There is a link there, I just know it, one that is integral to the problem at hand. She attempts to intimidate me, meaning to menace me by threatening to reveal the details of my future. I fail to suppress a grin at the laughable nature of the threat. My future is unwritten, the man I will become a mere wisp of the man I am at this very moment. The actions of some insubstantial phantom of tomorrow wearing my face and body concerns me not at all. In the past I have drawn comparisons to a dog with a bone when I have found a case of interest, and like a dog I will not release upon my treat of choice easily, especially when those wishing me to desist employ such juvenile means. Still, I am forced to accept that I must change tact. If she will not accept my help then I will force my help upon her. Cassandra expresses her wish to leave the room ([i]Deduction;[/i] The headache is a fortuitous excuse for her to make her escape) so I step out of her way, quite graciously, acceding this early round to her. I have other avenues to explore after all, and this battle is far from over. This was merely an opening shot! I do leave her with a warning of my own however. "I discovered all that with little more than a cursory search after I discovered we would be team mates. Imagine what I will dig up now you have caught my attention. Something to consider." She poses a question in need of answering, and I will not be dissuaded.