Autumn jumped a little in surprise at the voice that spoke to her. Not in her head, no, this voice was outside. She whirled around, almost tripping over feet. She was clumsy as it was but when you add a supernatural force who's job is to mess things up it spells, well, a disaster. The voice inside her head snickered at that thought, which she ignored. The twelve year-old blinked up at the boy that looked her age. Well, people always thought she was younger than she was because of how short and small she was. As she stared up at this boy she wondered if he was one of the others the email had talked about. Soon she realized she had been staring at him for a few minutes without answering and she blushed, dropping her eyes to the ground as she tried to formulate a response. " name is Autumn, it's n-nice to meet you." She stammered, blushing even further.