[quote=RomanAria] [quote=arowne97] [quote=RomanAria] [quote=arowne97] [quote=RomanAria] [quote=arowne97] XD damn. so far my character will get along with all the ladies. :P [/quote] Probably not Aery. [/quote] you never know. ;P [/quote] Nah, she would see his friendliness as lack of control over his emotions and his desire to draw her as absurdly annoying. She'd probably accidentally-on-purpose spill some hydrochloric acid in his sketchbook if she caught him trying to draw her in the lab. [/quote] o.o that's a bad idea. his sister took one page out of his sketchbook once and...it didn't end well. He chased her around the house with a baseball bat. [/quote] Good thing fear is an emotion, then, and she never shows anyone her emotions. [/quote] XD he's so obsessed with his art that if you destroyed his entire sketchbook, then by the time he's done with you he'd be in prison for murder. :P