Harold quickly left after Thisa had finished up in the cafeterria. He had a lot of time he needed to spend on finding his dorm after all. As Tim had never gotten around to showing him where it was, he was completely clueless on where he had to go. Thus, he began his search. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harold had finally found the right place after plenty of searching....and admittingly a little bit of direction. However, after he had gotten settled in, set up his work station in his room, and had started to relax, he realized that he was quite hungry, and after the event in the cafeterria, maybe that made a tid bit of sense. However, now he had to go find some more food at this hour. As such, he locked his dorm room, took his key, phone, and his normal "outside" items, and set off in another quest. His lift seemed like quite a game right now, Harold was thinking. Making his way outside, and then on to another cafeterria. Quickly he walked through area upon area. Watching some the scenery as he went by, Harold was quite at peace with the relatively quiet and unpopulated Evening hours here on Campus. (Perhaps I should think of taking a walk every night. It's quite nice out here. And that'll probably be even more true around midnight and everything). While he was moving through one of the courtyard type areas outside of a cafeterria, Harold could have sworn that he'd seen Thisa. Quickly retracing his steps back to the last place he saw her, Harold wondered if this was really Thisa. It wasn't like he knew the whole population of the school or anything. Because of this, Harold called out to the girl: "Good Evening! How might you be doing on this fine night?" He calmly moved toward the girl, hoping he didn't come across as a creep or anything of the sort.