[quote=Wilted Rose] I thought you said you caused that for a moment, but then I realized you didn't. Also, I thought Pol Pot was Cambodia? Either way, good guy China. [/quote] He was. But he only came about during the political turmoil that was a side-effect of the war in Vietnam and the ousting of the King. This was way the fuck back in early PoW so without anything to compound it or make it interesting China basically said, "We'll protect you from the mean old Europeans if you denounce French power" and he said, "Yea sure, OK." A fun thing about Pol Pot was that he wasn't just a total college drop out. He bombed higher education with all the colors of shit. And he ended up getting roped into a party that was all about that. And then they proceeded to murder everything. [quote=TheEvanCat] Everyone can have a drinkie for our seventh anniversary, since I'll be 21 then. Wait, shit, my burfday is on 31 JAN. So I'll just barely be cut off. [/quote] We'll hold off until then. c: