[color=0072bc]"Impressive children." [/color]I watched from afar with my sharingan, it makes it a lot easier to understand how they fight and see what's going on, I might even copy a technique or two for fun and body bag them when they spar with me. Now that feels childish, those kids are not even half baked, Ryu shows promise. My work here is done. Still, none of them are worthy of inheriting my lightning techniques, why rush kids? Anyhow I can see where this is going, looking forward to the future, looks like the tutors...... Now all I have to do is duly note this and continue with my paper work, I hate to be a jack of all traits but since I'm an Uchiha, there will be a time I have to substitute the teachers if they aren't around. I'm more like the final boss for this children. My job is to be the deterrent of the kids in case they go berserk. Furthermore, there seem to be an intruder roaming around the camp, I don't know but his chakra reeks of no good. One intruder? No, I think more. Assuming more than one. None of the students should know about this. Showing up to everyone,[color=0072bc]"Leiko and company. After your training with your respective teachers please proceed to the high waterfalls."[/color]