[b]Jon - Fitness Center - Matt[/b] "They do this regularly. You want to stick around these parts, you have to provide for the rest of us." As Jackson paused at the entrance, Jon adjusted his hold on the gun. He wanted it out in the open-- they weren't be messed with, not now, not ever. "And Jackson, don't do the talking." The man nodded, stepping inside. --- [b]Tyler - Fitness Center - Matt/Scarlett/Jon[/b] Tina looked annoyed. "Supplies," she said. "Food, water. Everyone could use more of that." At the look on Tyler's face, Tina shook her head. "We have the greenhouse, so we can spare." Further discussion was cut short as this apparent group entered. The first guy to enter made for an imposing presence as he towered over everyone in the room. Behind him came a man brandishing a rifle, the expression on his face looking ready to cut a stone in two. The third guy looked-- Instantly, Tyler turned away, back toward the pool area. Jesus, [i]not again[/i]. Another man from Outpost, this time Matt. Tyler couldn't guess as to why [i]he[/i] was here of all people. Hoping he hadn't been seen, Tyler pretended to be mostly uninterested in the deal. He looked away, trying to give the impression he was only here to be a bit of muscle. [i]Don't let them do all the talking[/i] he'd told Scarlett, and it seemed that, unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to assist her now for fear of Matt saying something. The last thing Tyler needed was this Tremblay group thinking he was anyone special. "It's all here," Tyler heard Tina say. She felt her move across the room to hold the bag out to the three men. Someone took hold of it and said, "Search it, Matt. Make sure it's all there."