[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Kirra.jpg_zpsknctnx5t.png?t=1445046149[/img] Kirra[/h1] [h2]Jenna Baxter[/h2] "Is... is that an earring?" Jenna said as she saw something metallic on the ground. There was traces of blood on the simple earring but as the man composed himself again she knew she didn't have time to think about it. She needed to find a way to stop the man. "You're going to pay for that." The man said as he reached out to try and force the knife out of her hands. She could see that his earlobe was ripped from where she assumed the original hole was and straight downwards. She could feel herself stumble backwards as the man wrestled for the knife. Compared to the strength the man had she knew she wouldn't be able to keep a good grip on it for long which was exactly what happened as she felt a sharp pain digging into her right hand. Startled, she quickly released the knife and jumped back and looked at her hand. There was a decent sized gash on her right palm which would need to be attended to but wasn't so bad that it would be life threatening. Without a knife, she was back at square one or rather worse off now that the earring couldn't be used against him again and she was injured. Maybe if she could find another piece of jewelry she could use that against the man in the same fashion as the earring but she couldn't' see anything on him. "You know..." The man started to say before interrupted with slight excitement at her find. "Gotcha." Another metallic piece caught her eye as the man spoke, paying very little attention to what he was saying. The idea was gross and the thought of more blood involved wasn't something she was looking forward to but it was that or be attacked. A yowl caused by pain came from the man as he used both hands to grab towards his face and slumped forward. Using the same method as before with the earring, she did so but this time with the tongue piercing she saw while he spoke. She couldn't see the piercing anywhere on the ground so it must have been still in his tongue or in his mouth however she could see blood. She knew she was turning pale as she felt herself start to get queasy. "Let's end this now, please." Jenna asked more for her own sake than for the man. Although she didn't get into a physical fight she wasn't sure how much more she could handle. She was already on the way of feeling like she was going to throw up from the gore. --- "Go ahead. Kill me." Although in obvious pain by the way JC's voice wavered, there wasn't an ounce of fear in his voice as he taunted Tom "Come on, you're almost there. I know you have the strength." The man said starting to chuckle before he cringed from the pain. "But do you have the will? Can you do it in front of everyone? I dare you." A mix of stubbornness and knowing what the superiors might do if they heard what happened was the only reason he wasn't giving in and the way the fight was going end soon even with his taunting. It was only a matter of time before they were beaten. The others were always pathetic when it came to fight like this. Without a larger group as is the norm to back them up, the will to fight was much weaker. One was already incapacitated on the ground babbling nonsense about demons and monsters while the second seemed to be struggling with the woman and the old man crumpled on the ground. The third appeared to be faring better than the other two since he had his knife back but for how long. He only hoped that inside the building Jake was doing something productive instead of twiddling his thumbs around like an idiot and was waiting for him and the guys to join him. Another scream escaped from one of his men before passing out which was shortly followed by one of females heading towards the two of them. A slight look of confusion crossed the man's face as he listened to the woman speak which followed by a morbid look of disgust as he saw the condition of her hands. That was when he remembered what one of the men were yelling. Was she the monster he was talking about? Were they all freaks like that woman? It would explain the struggle they were having against them. "They don't pay me enough for crap like this." JC mumbled as he continued to look at the hand. With only a small handful of men there would be no way to stop them and if the others were freaks such as the women he rather face what would be given to him by his superiors than see what the freaks would be able to do.