[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] Sam didn't respond to Christian's warning but her pace increased slightly. Not as much as Christian would have liked, he still felt uneasy about where they were but they were getting out of the area. The shopping district couldn't be more than two blocks from here and it'd have a numerous amount of people and plenty of security cameras about. Just as Christian was starting to think his anxiety had simply been a symptom of his developing 'power' there was a sharp thunk like the sound of a weapon connecting with bone. Sam's hand ripped from Christian's grip as she fell to the pavement with a thud, out cold. "Sam!" Christian shouted trying to locate with his ears exactly where she had fallen. It was a testament to there attacker's skill that Christian hadn't heard him coming. Clearly feeling no need hide any long just faced with a blind man there attacker's footfalls became audible. From the sound of his footsteps Christian could tell it was a big man, if he had to guess he'd say taller than he himself was, thickset but most likely more from muscle than fat. Christian's mind summoned up a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger that it pasted over the area there assailant was occupying. This wasn't an all together uncommon means Christian had for picturing his surroundings especially when it came to people. Christian dropped to the ground and felt around until his hands touched Sam's leg. He crawled over to her feeling for her head. There was a nasty bump and she was bleeding. Her blood soaked into Christian's skin. Christian wasn't an expert by any measure but he was fairly certain the wound wasn't life threatening, as long as it received attention soon. The attacker seemed to be taking his time, Christian might even have said that the man was enjoying the moment. "Pity really," the man said. "Nice lookin' girl. All that leather kinda gives off the loner vibe but hey, I'm not picky. She's gonna have one hell of a headache when she wakes up." The man sounded almost conversational. He'd clearly done this many times before and enjoyed it. "What about you glass eyes, tell you what, I like a challenge." Christian heard his voice getting closer and the ruffle of a fine fabric, the man had knelt down next to him. "You wanna run I'll give you two minutes head start." he said letting out a chuckle like they were friends making a bet at a bar. Back in foster care Christian had learned early on that if you didn't fight for what was yours it didn't stay yours for long. There had been a girl back then, dodged the system a lot, grew up mostly on the streets fending for herself. While they were in the same home she'd taught Christian that in any fight the weakest point was there eyes. Soft and malleable they broke so much easier than skin. For that to work though Christian needed to know where the man's eyes were. He needed a reference point. "You with the TSP?" he asked not actually caring about the answer only that there was one. "TSP? Lord you two must be in more trouble than I thought if..." Christian' focus latched onto where the attacker's mouth was based on his talking. Christian pushed himself off the ground at the attacker, he grabbed the side of the man's face and clawed at his left eye. "CRAZY SON OF A BITCH!" the man shouted to the sky. Christian felt the membrane of the eyeball giveaway and his nails started to scrap off eye goop. In another second the man gripped Christian by the shoulder and tossed the blind man off himself. The assailants strength was impressive. Christian scrapped his hands badly as he rolled across the ground. He came to a stop his head pounding. He heard footsteps in the street that signified the man had gotten to his feet. "You're gonna pay for that." the man said his jovial air and light attitude gone. Christian didn't have the strength to stand, he heard the whistle of something being swung through the air and in a second it collided with his head. Christian held onto consciousness just long enough to feel liquid dripping from the man's face onto his skin. Christian surrendered to the darkness confident that the hitman would never forget his face. Even if he was going to kill them both.