[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Ryver%20et%20Rhine%20Dear%20Karma_zpsbdu2hcau.jpg?t=1445046604[/img] Ryver et Rhine (Dear Karma)[/h1] [h2]Callie Wright[/h2] Cal kneeled down. Her fingers found a weak pulse and she breathed a sigh of relief. He was going to be fine. She used her jacket to make a small pillow. There! He should be comfortable enough till he was fully awake. Truthfully she doubted sending Vida towards the berserk fed was the smartest idea. A million things could go wrong. [i]Urgh! Why was she so stupid?[/i] Her hand clutched her throbbing head when she tried to stand up. She was reluctant to try again, but sitting here wasn’t much help to anyone. A faint glimmer caught her attention. Cal crawled unsteadily towards the said object. The sensation of the cool metal was a welcomed distraction. [i]Cal, have you fired a gun before? Nope! [/i] Lady Luck owed her one anyway. The blonde airhostess undid the cache and aimed for Tom’s knee. Part of her mind was yelling for her to stop. She quelled it. Vida was getting too close to the man for comfort. Swallowing hard she steadied the gun. Not a scrap nor a squeak could be heard in the few seconds following a very loud bang. Her gaze waivered a little. [i]Did she hit the man? She definitely didn’t hear the sound of a bullet ricocheting off the asphalt surface. [/i] Blood streamed down her palms. Cal gripped the gun even tighter as she tried to keep her hand steady. Her tongue flicked across the still moist surface of her upper lip. A salty, coppery taste filled her mouth which made her stomach churn once more. The only sound she could manage was a small mousey squeak. Vida, Vida… please be okay! Please! “D-drop him!” Her voice sounded strain and natural. She hoped no one else detected the slight tremble. Fear was not welcomed at the moment. Not in a situation where it was life and death. She raised the gun to the air. Another shot echoed. “I’m serious. The next shot will be where it hurts.” [i]This isn't a movie Cal. More people are going to get hurt. Thanks to you.[/i] The men are going to be so mad. She swallowed again. The river of blood flowed with a renew vigor, staining the edges of her sleeve. She was quite sure it wasn't a good sign that she didn't feel pain anymore. Getting bitten twice by a gun was supposed to hurt. Well no one would notice from that angle, she hoped. Maybe not the fed. “I really mean it!” She yelled for additional emphasis. [i]Awhile more. Awhile more.[/i] She’d probably conk sooner than that. The edges of her vision started to turn blurry again. Her numerous wounds and bruises were going to hurt like hell tomorrow. Well, they would, if she was still alive after this. “I’m gonna count to five. Okay? 1…2…”