[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Kirra.jpg_zpsknctnx5t.png?t=1445046149[/img] Kirra[/h1] [h2]Jenna Baxter[/h2] "I-I'm serious, stay down." Jenna said as she saw the man start to shift around. What was she going to do if the man tried to attack her? She had a knife so she could defend herself. But could she stab someone? Could she stop the man from getting up? Did she have the strength to hurt someone which could possibly lead to their death if the stab wound wasn't cared for quick enough? A slight wave of relief came as Pat joined her and although she felt a bit guilty for relying on an older man for something that could be potentially dangerous, she knew he could help as she remembered back at the breakfast table. She didn't understand exactly how his power worked but she knew he could cause pain like Vida but instead of something that manifested physically, it was something else. "What should we do about him?" Jenna asked Pat as she watched the man carefully for any sudden movement. "We can't just leave him here, who knows he might do. Should we tie him up or do something else?" Jenna said glancing toward the older man for guidance. ~.~​ Whether it was due to being shot, the warning from the two girls or his power starting to wane away, the grip Tom had on JC loosened. Pushing the man towards the ground, JC landed with a loud thud. "Tie him up, knock him out or do whatever you want with him but you better hurry. The police will be here shortly and I doubt having them involved with our mess and the people involved with these powers would be a good idea. We don't have much time." Tom said before slumping towards the ground so that he could address his injuries.