[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/BlessedWraith%20Weaver%20-%20Copy_zps7aq7ebmi.jpg[/img] BlessedWrath (Weaver)[/h1] [h2]Samantha Cole[/h2] Christian was the first to awaken. Through the haze of minor head trauma, two things made themselves readily apparent: First, that his wrists and ankles were held fast to the chair he was seated in, and second the smell of blood. The distinctive crackle of plastic sheeting resonated with the movement of his feet, and that sound mated with the tone of a digital watch backlight. Both echoed in the volume of the chamber in which he was held captive. "I see you're awake," came a mellow tone from an area approximately in front of Christian. "That's good. I have an appointment not long from now." There was a brief silence during which it could be surmised that the young man was gathering his thoughts. His tone was calm and even; the practiced restraint of a professional. The rustle of foreign silk told the story of a tightened necktie. "I regret the rashness of my associate. He has never conducted himself in a manner quite befitting the station of his peers. Although it was necessary to detain you, I cannot help but feel as though it could have been handled more appropriately." Another sound made itself known. This time it was Italian leather. The sound was brief, deliberate; as if in response to a stimulus. The sole scraped against a cement floor too smooth to coincide with alley streets. The man's voice now emanated from a point to the left and about eight feet in front of Christian. "Obviously we have a situation," he continued. "You and your counterpart have stumbled upon one of our points of infrastructure, and we clearly cannot allow that breach of security to go unchecked." There was a pause and an inhale, followed by the silence one might expect of a man in mid-thought. "Yet, I cannot see my way clear to assume malice where ignorance might well be an explanation." Some pacing ensued, which could suggest contemplation or unrest, though it was unclear as to which best described their new enemy. "On the one hand, you penetrated directly to a point of vulnerability with the ease and precision of a strike team. On the other hand, you were ready to leave it as you found it." The pacing stopped abruptly, followed by the striking of a match. A plume of smoke assailed the air during another brief silence. Apparently this was a pipe man; rare in these days. "So you see my dilemma," he said between puffs. "If I kill you, I have to run cleanup for two more bodies. If I leave you alive, I have to wonder...what do you know?"