[color=red]"The Holder of Defeat does have a point. Nothing is safe around Secrets, not even your own thoughts."[/color] Autumn bit her lip, worrying the flesh between her teeth. [color=gold]"Are..Are you able to tell secrets through that tablet? Or is it only through speech?"[/color] Autumn asked in a quiet voice. While someone knowing her own thoughts and what she keeps hidden was not an appealing concept, what other choice did she have? These people were the only ones who could help her, not unless she wanted to be locked up in an insane asylum for the rest of her life. [color=red]"But insane people are so much fun."[/color] Disaster interjected. Autumn sighed and asked him politely to be quite. Of course he didn't listen and started making a list about just how insane people were so amusing. The girl attempted to block his chattering to no avail.