Jo watched the book, reading as the person on the other side responded. "[i]Ok, I get that. not a lot of people know what silicon is. It's a weird substance. It's not exactly a metal, but it's still an element. It's not conductive to electricity, so it's great for circuit boards.[/i]" She explained, finding nothing better to do. She did feel a bit upset by how she was called annoying, but shrugged it off. "[i]Oh, land. Sure. The stuff that humans used to live on, before the world below became flooded and unfit for life. I swear, I'm not leading you on. If I could send you a picture of the outside, you's see a big plume of clouds right...[/i]" She paused, and looked up, out the windows. [i]"Right out the window, to my le-[/i]" She was interrupted by the book glowing hot, and nervously, she backed away from it. She had moved away just in time to avoid the fireball that came through, feeling herself tense up and a small peep come from her. Trembling just a bit, she backed away from it, and got the fire extinguisher from the wall. "Oh. My god. Oh my god. It's on fire." She mumbled, moving towards the book again, pulling the pin from the device, the fireball having changed into a strange blue shape, similar to the plastic flowers that were everywhere on valentines day. She lifted a brow, and grimaced a bit, before aiming the nozzle of the extinguisher just a bit above and directly at the fire, and pulled the trigger, sending a large amount of white, cold foam flowing fast into the book. On the other side, it went straight up, then landed heavily on the ground, spilling the strange smelling and foul tasting foam everywhere. Back on Jo's side, the fire flower was still there. She swallowed, and wiped the foam from the books' pages, around the flame cautiously. "[i]...What in the hell is this? Why is the book on fire?! I blew my extinguisher on it, but it's not out!! What did you do!? The sprinklers will go off and I'll be forced outside MAKE IT GO AWAY[/i]" She wrote quickly, avoiding the flower as she wrote. She didn't even punctuate, her handwriting getting a bit sloppier, partly because of her shaking, partly because of the way she was avoiding the fire.