Riley watched as James practiced in front of him. He and James were basically the only people who ever came out here anymore. He couldn’t blame them. The guild was warm and welcoming, while the training ground reeked of sweat and blood. He shuffled to his feet, hanging the strap for Yukiko’s sheathe over his shoulder. He began to whistle to himself, walking away from the training ground. He turned his head back to James and yelled out to him. “You should hurry back inside, or all the good jobs will be gone.” With a quick nod, he began to walk back around the side of the building to the entrance. Pressing his hands up against the door, he wasn’t surprised to see yet another commotion going on as he entered the building. Verin was practically going spastic. The guy looked like he’d seen a ghost or something. Chloe was just as loud and disruptive as ever, but Riley couldn’t help but smile at how energetic she was. A few of the other Wizards had once suggested that Riley had a thing for her, but after a close encounter with Yukiko they never dared mention it again in front of him. Surprisingly enough, Rurik was also getting involved in the discussion. Riley rarely ever saw him get involved in group things like this. It seemed like he and Rurik had swapped personalities. On any other day Riley would be howling just as loudly as the rest of them, demanding to be let in on the info and challenging people who were way out of his league to spars. On that thought, he noticed Alex was getting involved as well. He grit his teeth. Alex being there ensured that Riley wouldn’t try to get involved. Only a week ago Alex had kicked his ass when he challenged him, and he was still sour about the whole thing. Yukiko would roll in her grave if she found out he’d lost to such an opponent. He violently flung her sword down on the bar counter, sitting down with his head buried in his arms. Mary had just finished filling up several pints of ale for the guild members, watching the conversation between the three eagerly. She’d never seen a wyvern before, but it looked as though they wouldn’t need any more help. However, when Riley sat down looking so down in the dumps she couldn’t help but try and cheer him up. She removed a plate of freshly baked cookies from behind the counter and put them in front of him. He opened one eye to them, their sweet scent calling to him. However, he knew better than to actually eat anything that Mary cooked. Mary noticed the expression and looked down at her feet. “I didn’t make these by myself. The guilds chef helped me.” She turned away, returning to fill up more cups of ale. Riley felt bad for not at least trying one, especially when they smelt so delicious, so he grabbed one from the plate. It was still warm in his hands, and when he bit down into it he was delighted to find out how soft and gooey they were. “These are great, Mary.” He said with a bright smile, doing his best to repent for upsetting her. She turned around with a red face. She went to open her mouth when the roars from the guild arose as the three began to prepare to depart from the guild. “What’s up with them? They going on some big adventure or something?” His tone was spiteful, and Mary wasn’t sure if it was because he still was angry at Alex or because he didn’t get to go with Chloe. As if reading her thoughts, Riley’s face turned bright red and he began to stutter when he tried to defend himself. “It’s not like that! I’m just pissed I don’t get to go on any of these cool missions. What the hell are those losers doing anyway? Ah, sorry.” He quickly apologised when he saw Mary’s stern frown directed right at him. Little miss love and rainbows here didn’t take too kindly to anyone insulting her friends. After a brief moment of silence, she resumed cleaning up glasses and preparing bowls of dried fruit and nuts for the tables. “They’re hunting a wyvern that’s just made an appearance near Magnolia. It’s not just some big fun adventure, Riley. People’s lives could be in danger if the wyvern came into town.” She spoke while she worked, and Riley couldn’t help but admire her confidence in her guild members. “They act cocky and confident because they don’t want us to worry about that. They’re just as concerned as I am about the beast. Alex is going with them so they should be fine.” The mention of his name made Riley growl in anger, to which Mary ignored. She’d just let him throw his tantrum; within a week he’d be treating Alex like a big brother once again. Riley was just so sick of it. Whenever something needed to be done, everyone called on Alex. He was just so freaking perfect to everyone. There were other mages in this guild aside from him that could get the job done. As if she’d heard his thoughts, Alicia burst through the door behind the bar and briskly walked over to where Alex was. She was wearing her strange white lab coat and spectacles, carrying several letters in her hands. “Alex get here this instance!” Her tone was furious, and no one in the guild had ever heard such a thing. It was rare enough for Alicia to ever show her face, let alone speak to anyone. She usually just came in, put up the requests for the day, and then left. Yet here she was speaking to one of Fairy Tail’s strongest members as if she actually had any right to. Yet there was something about her this time that frightened Riley. What a strange thought. Alicia couldn’t even use magic, let alone fight, how could she scare Riley? Perhaps it was all in the way she presented herself. Despite never actually being here, she walked around the Guild with a sense of purpose. She was after all, granddaughter of Pollux Vermillion; former Wizard Saint and a legend upon legends. She walked right up to Alex and then to the group that were about to leave. “We can’t have you chasing wyverns at a time like this, there’s an emergency at stake. These 3 can handle it on their own.” Mary wondered how she knew about the Wyvern, but then she realised that the Guild had been shouting about it for the past ten minutes. Just because she tried to ignore everyone in the guild, doesn’t mean she always succeeded. “The town of Holstur is under threat of an avalanche and the Magic Council has requested assistance from Fairy Tail to help evacuate the citizens. Go now Alex.” Riley immediately stood up, grasping Yukiko in his hands. He yelled out over to Alicia and Alex. “I’m going with him!” His voice was furious, and no wonder. He wasn’t going to let yet another important task just be thrust down upon Alex like everything else was. Mary whispered to him violently, trying not to raise her voice too loud. “What did I just say Riley? This isn’t some game. People’s lives are at risk!” “I’m just as capable as that poser! I’m going too!” Riley ignored the embarrassing stares from the rest of the guild. Mary knew he wasn’t going to give up, and she looked up at Alex with a stern expression. An expression that said; don’t let Riley do anything stupid. “I don’t care who goes, just get there as soon as you can!” Alicia yelled at the two of them, rushing back into her office without another word. That was all Riley needed, and he quickly moved away from the bar and slipped past Alex with his teeth gritted. “Don’t mess this up, kid. It’s a serious job.” “Don’t get in Alex’s way!” The other guild members belittled him, and he wanted to cry. He wouldn’t. Not ever. The last time he cried was when Yukiko asked him to do the unthinkable; end his masters life. She’d always respected him and treated him like an adult. Why was it so hard for everyone to do it here? He left the guild, a worried Mary looking down at the ground. She cleared her throat and then spoke out over the rest of her guild mates. “The Wyvern and Holstur incidents are being taken care of. Stop gossiping about them and start focussing on your own jobs! We have a lot to prepare for the Fantasia Parade, and if I find out that all of the requests on the board relating to helping out with the Harvest Festival have been ignored, there will be hell to pay. Got it?” Even though it was rare when Mary spoke up and assumed command, no one ever really questioned it. The way she spoke to the guild it was like she was meant for it. No one was better at motivating the other wizards than she was, aside from perhaps Alex or Master Pollux, and sure enough the other guild members started to move out to take on their own jobs. With no more drinks to serve, Mary thought she’d take a pick to see what other jobs there were. She instantly saw the request for gathering wild flowers for the Fantasia Parade and the idea of spending the day picking flowers in a beautiful valley appealed to her. She signed up for the request, hoping a few of the remaining members would take it with her.