Thisa did make it back to her room, at least for a short while enough time to leave her items behind now that school hours were over. Despite her fatigue from the busy day, more so the massive amount of energy sapped from the cafeteria incident, Thisa didn't want to spend the next hour or so sitting around in her room. Too many things to think about and too many emotions to tackle, after a chance to herself she couldn't shake the memories, however fragmented, from what happened. A simple walk seemed to be best, plus there was the off chance she'll run into Harold again, she wouldn't mind spending more time with the guy but they've already ran into each other a lot already, sooner or later it'll start get weird, maybe. Still after a while Thisa found herself dozing off even while standing, after some not very-well-thought-out consideration she decided to sleep in a nearby courtyard, more specifically on one of the many benches in the area. Thisa took off her jacket and placed it down on the hard wood just to give it an extra degree of comfort, besides the night was fairly warm and many students were too busy preparing for the meeting to be waltzing around so it was unlikely anyone would come across her. In about no time at all Thisa was soundly asleep, and fairly heavily at that.