[quote=Lugubrious] [quote=Savo] Say, once I get accept if I get accepted which team should Gray, Penumbra, and Umbra join up with? Also, just took a look at the document and i'm now pondering on which combinations Gray is, because technically he is a Hybrid no matter how you look at it, and i'm finding a hard time determining which two Hybrid types he is along with his other two personalities. I mean, he literally fits almost everything depending on what weapon type he is currently using. [/quote] I will accept him if you explain to me how being able to do pretty much everything doesn't make him overpowered. As for fitting into a single roll, it's not what he can do, it's what he likes to do, and does best. Shiro was three classes before Hari decided that he was the better Warrior. [/quote] Remember the one health bar thing, along with the squishiness of the two clones? If you manage to get a hit on one of them, it will do a lot more damage than smacking the actual tank. Ex: Let me say he has 10/10 hp. If you hit Gray, it deals like 1 damage to him. However hit Umbra or Penumbra and it does lets say 3 damage. Defeating them will also sort of defeat Gray, however you can't keep hitting the clones, expecting Gray to be defeated. You have to hit Gray to down him once he is on his last legs. And remember, Umbra can become cocky as hell which forces Penumbra to get his head straight. This can endanger the two of them which may cause him to be defeated. Also, to top that off, he needs to conserve his dust. He can't perform most of his interesting abilities without dust and seeing as there are three Grays, he can chew up dust rather quickly. Lets say Umbra uses up all of the fire and ice dust, bam the other two can't use fire and ice. Lets say he reloads using a dust thingy. The weapons are reloaded, however they all lose the same dust amount. This not only could screw him over in battle but leave a huge dent in his paycheck. Also, if you take away his weapon, he can't perform his semblence properly. The clones and him won't get the boost unless all three of them are out, and the only way they can all be out at the same time is if he has a weapon that can transform into three specific things. His weapon works like his personality and his disorder. They're all the Sam person, yet they are not. I can tell you a couple of more things if you wish about them, and how he isn't too overpowered if these aren't enough.