Had she realized that she was unnerving the boy, Kris would have most certainly backed off with a flustered apology. Unfortunately, she had no idea at all, apparently too blinded by the sparkling stars in her eyes to notice. She had always loved to talk the ear off of whoever would listen to her about her dreams of becoming a knight, and apparently she had found a new victim in the poor boy before her. Her grip on his hand tightened slightly when he revealed that he was here for the same reason, and she suddenly yanked him forward a little. From this point on, [i]escape was futile[/i]. The girl's expression was one of delight, her mouth pulled into a grin. "That is wonderful! I'm here for the exact same reason--I too wish to serve Prince Marth." How wonderful it was to meet someone who had the same goal as she did! Perhaps they were destined to be the best of friends? Wouldn't that be nice! Her father had expressed some worry about her getting along with the other knights-to-be, but she was certain that he'd be quite pleased to hear that she had met a boy ([i]he wouldn't[/i]) on her very first day. "There is no greater honour than being able to serve and protect the kingdom, wouldn't you agree?" She stared up at him with round, expectant eyes, and then suddenly perked up when she realized she had failed to give this stranger her name. Oops. Though her full given name was Krista, she had grown much more accustomed to her nickname. "Ah, by the way--my name is Kris! And you are...?" [i]She was still holding on to his hand.[/i] Either she had simply forgotten that fact, or she was intent on never letting it go.