[b]Enrique-TheB&B-Emma[/b] "I have some bottles and cans set up around and on that stump down there, I want you to shoot at them. Hit as many as you can, way I recall being taught to shoot that pistol was the same way except my father had the advantage of several spare magazines. You have one, each magazine holds seven bullets. The pistol will kick back since its .45 so dont lock your elbow or you'll fuck it up pretty badly. I assume by how long you've lived in this world you've got some experience with a gun. So you know to aim away from yourself. After we pop off a few shots we'll move on to close quarters, you'll be training with Colton, he's the closest to your age and will likely go the easiest on you." Enrique walked over to the girl and as he spoke ejected the clip and checked the chamber, she had already chambered the first round. He smirked and handed it back to her with a spare clip in his hand he stood slightly behind her and to her left, away from her assumed dominant hand so that if she tried to turn back and shoot him he could easily disarm her. "Be gentle with the trigger, that gun belonged to my father." He said coldly, he recalled his father well but didnt bother to go into detail, he said the same thing his father said to him when he was little, "Empieza!"