[b]Name[/b]: Casidhe (or just Cas) [b]Age[/b]: Chronologically, 3 years old. Mentally and physically, she is roughly equivalent to an 18-20 year-old. [b]Gender[/b]: Female. [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://i.imgur.com/85Z0B7I.jpg]In daylight[/url], [url=http://i.imgur.com/B0KdLnc.jpg]in darkness[/url], [url=http://i.imgur.com/ds4rmdi.jpg]close-up[/url]. Roughly 5 feet tall. Pale blue-grey skin, harder than a human's and craggy in places, like bark. Her "hair" is an arrangement of thick orange petals, and she has bright orange eyes. In the dark, glowing orange veins are visible along her body and along the edges of her hair-petals, and her eyes glow as well. [b]Canon, AU, or OC?[/b]: OC [b]Universe of Origin[/b]: Guild Wars 2 [b]Personality[/b]: Adventurous and nearly fearless, Cas relishes new experiences and will try almost anything once. Though friendly and cheerful, she has a tendency to keep things close to her chest and tries to deal with problems by herself before asking for help. When she first awoke she had penchant for pranks and tricks, although these were always harmless and she has since grown out of them (well, mostly). One thing she did retain from her early years is a love of heights and huge views. Her race can telepathically sense the emotions of others of their kind around them - subsequently, she has some trouble reading the body language of other races without the help of her empathic link. She's gotten a lot better over the years of her life, but she still doesn't always get certain social cues. Her people also tend to be free and generous with their affection, which can lead to some awkward situations among outsiders. Finally, her people have a saying - [i]"A true sylvari should have two hearts: one soft and pliable as hot wax, and the other as hard and impenetrable as an icy diamond. The first, he should show to his companions, the second, to his enemy."[/i] True to this, Casidhe's bubbly cheerfulness quickly change when her companions lives are in danger, the girl becoming cold and almost merciless when defending them. [b]Abilities/Weapons[/b]: - [url=http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fd/Aetherized_Pistol_Skin.jpg]Two large ornate pistols[/url], essentially mundane revolvers. She has a few special ammunition types she can use to make them more effective: Smoke cartridges, which don't contain any bullets but can be used to mask an escape or cause a distraction; and poisoned shots that leave the target dazed and woozy. - [url=http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/6/66/Warden_Dagger.jpg]Two daggers[/url], grown from special trees in her homeland. - Cas is surprisingly stealthy for someone with glowing orange hair. She has been trained to move quietly through a variety of terrains and conditions. She is a very agile and evasive fighter, with keen reflexes and a knack for acrobatics. - She is also an extremely skilled airship pilot, although how much use that will be is debatable. [b]Backstory[/b]: Casidhe is a [url=http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari]sylvari[/url], a race of intelligent humanoid plants. Grown in pods hanging from their mother, the enormous Pale Tree, they first gain awareness inside a mental simulation called the Dream of Dreams. This dream world is built from the combined memories and experiences of the entire syvlari race, allowing the young dreamers to safely learn about the outside world from within their mother tree before they emerge, fully-grown, from their pods. They then go out into the world and feed their experiences back into the Dream, so the next generation of saplings can be even better prepared. The Dream is not quite a hive mind, but it is a constant connection in the back of a Sylvari's mind, and they broadcast their emotions to any others who are nearby. Shortly after awakening, Casidhe knew she wasn’t meant to linger beneath the Pale Tree like some of her kin. One of her first jobs was showing non-sylvari travellers around the grove, and their tales of the outside world kindled a love of adventure in her heart, and she left on her own journey as soon as she was able. After roughly a year of wandering, she encountered soldiers of the Vigil, a multi-racial organisation dedicated to fighting the Elder Dragons (her universe’s greatest existential threat, ancient primordial beings of terrible power). The sense of purpose that the members of the Vigil possessed intrigued the young sylvari, but what truly captured her imagination were the organisation’s cutting-edge magitech airships. It wasn't long before she signed up and set her sights on the becoming a pilot. Although her rise through the ranks was tough, she stuck to her guns with an almost obsessive focus, and after a year she was recognised as one of the better pilot recruits around. Cas’s world has actually known about the existence of the multiverse for hundreds of years. The human race is not native to the planet Tyria. Those that live there now are descendants of a group of humans who came to the world through the Mists (Tyria’s term for the space between the worlds), led by six powerful interdimensional travellers the humans now worship as gods. Tyrian mages and scientists have been studying the Mists for generations, but only recently did they start to really explore them. Casidhe was chosen to pilot one of the early Mistship expeditions, and when contact with the UMMA was made she decided to stay on as one of Tyria’s liasons with the organisation. [b]Faction[/b]: UMMA