Tall pines swayed on the mountainside. On the dark forest floor Herbs and Blue Mushrooms grew amidst fallen needles and damp moss. A Kelbi pulled up an Herb, chewing contently. A Velociprey leaped from behind a tree onto the Kelbi, bringing it down and biting into its throat. With a terrible cracking and ripping sound the prey's life ended. Hidden in the bushes, another predator watched, licking its hands. When its fists were coated in saliva, it sprang. A human boy charged from the brush with a yell, surprising the Velociprey. His fist rocked the beast's skinny head, and a vicious barrage of blows followed. He knocked the monster to the ground, then dropped to his knees and raised both arms high. "GAKIIIIII!" He brought his fists down and crushed the raptor's skull. It gave one last twitch and was still. Gaki threw the Kelbi over one shoulder and the Velociprey over the other, a huge grin on his face as he ran off back into the forest. He would eat like a king tonight!