Working on his own projects, Xerox was having trouble getting enough space. He heaved a heavy sigh. Rue looked up, wondering what he was sighing about. [color=aqua]"Oh, it's just that I need more space."[/color] he replied, slowly getting up, while letting his stuff return to the [b]ESS[/b]. [i]Guess I can ask Duncan if I can go outside for a bit[/i] Xerox thought, walking over to the comms room. Seeing others doing the work they were assigned, he realized he wasn't technically assigned anything. [i]More time to work on my own things I guess[/i] he concluded. As he reached the door to the comms room, he heard Freya talking. [color=orchid]"Syrus Cromwell, Seed Rank six, castrated by court martial. Rolls right off the tongue, onto the chopping block."[/color] Xerox was immediately dumbfounded. Walking in, Xerox could not help but speak. [color=aqua]"Syrus, what the fuck did you do for someone to want to castrate you?"[/color] Asking the question, all he could do was look perplexed. Rue had tugged at Xerox, explaining the situation the moomba had heard before they had arrived and what Rue had saw at the ball. [color=aqua]"Oh.... Wait. So our contact hooked up with Syrus at the ball dance you say?"[/color] Xerox asked Rue, looking at Syrus. [color=aqua]"Well, that's something interesting to hear. You warming up to someone so quickly."[/color] He continued. [color=aqua]"Well, hope it doesn't affect the mission.[/color]