Autumn continued to gaze at Katherin. Again, the fact that her secrets were not safe around this person unsettled the girl but she honestly didn't have any choice. She would have to take a shot in the dark and blindly trust this woman if she wanted answers. So, with a sigh, Autumn nodded and took a step forward; showing she was willingly to follow Katherin. She needed answers and this was the only place she was going to get them. As she stepped forward, a crack appeared in the stone next to her. The girl flinched back, almost stumbling over her own feet and falling. [color=gold]"Did you have to do that?"[/color] Autumn hissed under her breath at Disaster. [color=red]Sometimes it just happens. My presence alone makes things break, whether I tell them to or not.[/color] The demon replied. Autumn held back a sigh. Great, so not only can he will things to fall apart, there is a chance of it happening naturally. She glanced hesitantly at the others. Would they kick her out? It was understandably they wouldn't want to be around someone as unsafe as she was.