[center][img]https://usatlife.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/tumblr_ngcjjkib7j1rnikqmo3_500.gif?w=688&h=275[/img][/center] [b]NOTE: I'm Switching to first person POV[/b] Time seems to slow down, when I run. It always feels like I've snapped my surroundings into place, and I can just observe. Of course,That's merely my perception of it; and it isn't always like that. Sometimes it feels like I'm moving at a breakneck speed,running so fast I can barely stand to slow down. Other times, it's like the rest of the world has slowed down, or even stopped, and I'm the only one still moving. My name is Eobard Thawne, and contrary to what the public believes, I am the fastest man alive. I've been labelled a supervillain, a psychopath, and that's fine. It's fine because I never really saw myself as the hero; It was a role I aspired to, but never really thought I could reach. Barry Allen is the true reason for my fall from grace, and he is also the reason why there's a bomb collar around my neck; the reason why my brother is dead. I can't vibrate through the damned collar, and it seems to somehow limit my speed slightly. But that, I can leave off for another time. Right now, Amanda Waller wants me to work as part of a team. I don't know what her endgame is, and frankly, I don't care. What I care about is my own design. I finish inspecting the helicopter, and turn on my heel. There's no traps or explosives lined in the vehicle, and it seems large enough to hold all of us, plus one more. A likely deduction is that we'll be getting another teammate. I should warn the others, but really, it might be fun to see how long it takes them to find out. Red lightning flares in my eyes and I take off with a sonic boom, running back to the team. As I run, windows of the nearby town shatter, car windows,too. Alarms blare, as I move so fast the sheer speed of it all is astounding. I stop in front of Slade, the sudden halt in my forward motion causing a rush of wind. "[i][b]Deathstroke, I know where the cargo plane is. 20 miles north, no traps or explosives. Have you secured transport yet?[/b][/i]" Even though there's no real reason to, I vibrate my vocal chords to make my deep, distorted voice. I find that people, particularly enemies find it terrifying, and in this case, it makes the guards around me just a tiny bit scared. The Rogues just find it creepy. I notice the onrush of guards behind me and snap my fingers, causing a sonic boom and shock wave in their direction. They go flying against the wall, bones crushed. It's an ability I love to use, but keep hidden unless the situation necessitates it. It's always fun to create sonic booms and break the sound barrier, but to do so with just a snap of the fingers? That's just awesome.