Kyo nodded in agreement to Katherin's request, the thought suddenly occurring to him that he was oddly calmer than the other two about her knowing their secrets. Perhaps it was the jet lag altering his decision-making skills at the moment, but the concern was pretty far away from his mind. Either way, she had information that they needed, and he had to stay alert long enough to hear that, anyway. He could decide how he really felt once that was done and he had a chance to rest, but for now, he would just go along with this. As he prepared to follow the girl, he suddenly felt an odd chill down his spine, as if there is a certain presence behind him. Before he could turn properly to see who might be there, though, his attention was taken by the cracking stone near the younger girl. That was... [color=9E0508][i]Disaster. That's what he does.[/i][/color] Right. Compared to what he put up with, he couldn't help but think that maybe some of the others had it worse. [color=9E0508][i] you really want to test that? You didn't forget already, did you?[/i][/color] Kyo shook his head slightly at the voice inside it. No, he did not want to test that; he was aware of how bad his situation could get quickly and didn't want to have to pass out from his lack of sleep again.