Jian Long Stood at the prow of the Bái Se. Wind and sea mist whipped about his faces as the sleek airship cut smoothly through the evening sky. The helms man of the bone white craft kept a distance of 100 feet above the ocean. Such low altitude was generally frowned upon but right now it was a necessity. The Bái Se wasn't the only predator in these skys. Other Pirates stalked the shipping lanes here and most were on less then friendly terms with the Shēng qǐ Yīng Triad. With this in mind Jain stared out across the waves and sky his hand on the hilt of his sword. It was moments like this that made Jian feel alive. Hunting, fighting and killing were what he lived for. He had gained the nasty, and well deserved, title of Blood Dragon. He smiled as he anticipated combat and bloodshed. He yearned for battle, to feel the blood running down his naked blade and onto his hands. Desire for battle did not clowd his sharp eyes as he spotted a dark form far off the port and above their horizontal plain of movement. Pointing at the ship he let out a Resounding whoop and called out "Zhi zhàndòu! (to battle)" As the call to arms was made. The captain stepped out onto the deck and observed his crew as they scuttled about per-pairing for battle. Most of them were new to this ship as often the crew met grisly and unpleasant demises. The Bái Se was known for its lightning fast strikes and brutal combat. While this was wonderful for reputation it was terrible for crew survival. The captain glanced at Jian and couldn't help but grimace as he drew his blade. Jian was the oldest member of his crew but also the most troublesome. The captain shook his head and began to bar orders to the crew on the deck. Weapons were readied and weapons swung around to train on the fast approaching vessel. Repeaters were loaded and blades bared as the crew fell silent wondering if their intended prey had spotted them or not.