Phil was taken completely by surprise from a thin old lady who proclaimed herself as "Madame La Faire". That feeling of discomfort as she uninvitingly touched his hand was quickly replaced by amazement as the lady quickly named Phil, identified his dislike for crowds... and then reminded him of his parent's fate. Phil remembered his younger years being split between mourning them, trying to get money for food and starving because he couldn't get enough money. He couldn't remember much about his parents, except that his mother had silky and amazing silvery hair that used to always create it's own Presence... Even as it was soaked crimson... Phil pulled himself back out of his anti-social state and continued to listen to Madame la Faire, who seemed more focused on his palm than anything else. “There’s… such tragedy. A broken heart. Years of silence and uncertainty. Yet… a hope. A strange, fuzzy feeling of hope. A chance to do something great, or vile. The path ahead is dark...” She muttered as her Brow Furrowed. After an awkward pause, She met Phil's gaze and smiled, almost like a small girl who just got away with something and said, almost mockingly, "That'll be 5 copper pieces, Please." Phil sighed lightly as he started turning out his pockets. Firstly, he turned out a right pocket which had only an old chocolate rapper. Phil then went to turn out the left pocket but, as his half eaten Military ration nearly fell out his pocket, he haphazardly stuffed the contents of his pocket back into his pocket. After checking his back pocket, he found 7 copper pieces. He then handed Madame la Faire the requested 5 copper pieces and put the last 2 into his right pocket. "For a job well done, Madame la Faire." He then took a moment to think about what he was doing before getting side tracked. "Umm... by the way Madame la Faire, have you seen either a pissed off man wearing a fedora, or maybe some of the other... new circus members strolling around here?" he said in a desperate attempt to be reunited with his group.