Appearance : James is around 6'1" and weighs 126 pounds. He has long, wavy hair that goes down to his shoulders in length. His frame is... feminine, to say the least. Thin waist and wide hips for his gender, along with small shoulders. His hair is brown, and his eyes are hazel. His skin is slightly tan, but not too much. Name : James Wyler Age : 38 Skill : "My nerdiness pays off for once in my life" James is a near master swordsman, able to block, parry, and even disarm the maker of most attacks with a good-sized weapon. Give him a shield too and he's darn near unstoppable in melee combat. He is also a very good bowman. This is due to a life time of LARP as a hobby. "I've worn my weight in steel for months at a time before, I think I can handle a little bit of weight" Again, due to his time as a LARPer, he is used to having heavy weight on his body. He can carry more than most his size, and will gladly do so. "With heat and steel we'll make the new dark age" His grandfather taught him how to do metalworking and welding. "And if i just put this here, and here, *goes off mumbling*" James is quite good as tinkering around with things and making all sorts of contraptions with parts from different things. Preferred Weapons (up to three) : blades from short sword length to longsword length. Shield of any kind (trash can lids can work, really.) and bow and arrow. Personality : James is bouncy and kind, hyper a lot of the time. But at times he can get dark and moody, not saying much and when he does talk. it's either good advice or an insult to the situation he's in. Brief Bio : James, before the outbreak, was a psychiatrist, mostly for teenagers or people who are always depressed. He had lots of free time and a good life comparatively. But for the longest time he felt, empty. Like he could accomplish so much more. I guess we'll find out if this is his chance, won't we?