[quote=Hank] Peasant! What made you move to LoL instead? (Big Dota 2 player myself.) [/quote] Totally missed your post, wow. Durrhurr. BUT I WISH I DID I AM NO PEASANT. But since you asked in the IRC channel, I'll just reiterate; I was a horrible DoTA 2 player, I broke up with the guy I was playing it with for the most part (awkwardly enough we met at a streaming event garrh), and my brother (whom usually laned with me and also helped me learn the damn thing) went off to do smart doctor things in university and only played WoW with me anymore, which we both eventually quit. tl;dr I was shitey without those two. [quote=Dinh AaronMk] Welcome to Hell. There's cookies and punch by the door. [/quote] I hope it's gingerbread and cranberry cocktail. Otherwise Hell will be quite dull. [quote=RomanAria] Yep, I'm American. I'm one of the few Americans who doesn't get confused by meter events, I think. And who doesn't mind racing in a meter pool (Our practice pool is one of three in the state that can be configured as meters, and we ALWAYS practice meters.) [/quote] Ah, well, that's a relief. Non-metre pools are seriously "whaatt", my stroke count gets all screwy.