Had the girl been old enough to play such games, her words wouldn't have been loud enough to pass across the narrow space between his own chair and the walking fleet of Gryfindor girls. The blonde shot his eyes to the ground and clenched his jaw. He was too anxious for his own good.. He'd grow out of it, he was sure. After all this was day two, nothing was ever fixed over night. Did he really look like alike? Why hadn't Seine said anything? He was Pureblood at least on one side, he was sure. Sadie wouldn't know unless it hit her in the face... George pulled himself upright, his uniform pulled on as best he could. It seemed baggy in places, his shoulders looser and his shirt waist slack. He tugged at his sleeves and turned to his two friends, greeting them with a smile. "I slept okay. It's hard to sleep in a bed you're not used to." He commented, fidgeting with the small button in his sleeve. The boy couldn't fully understand why it was all bothering him so much. He had good friends and an amazing life. Personally he was lucky. He knew some students whose families were less than well-off. He needed to stop acting like the victim of something that wasn't his fault.. Right, it wasn't his fault. It wasn't. His father was a murderer well before he was born. There was no way it was his fault. George followed behind her, smiling away his consistently growing anxiety and distress. "I wonder what lesson we'll have first." He commented. His feet took him out of the protrait hole and into the noisy castle around them. Paintings were awake, eating their own meals and sharing stories they'd been told from whomever else they'd spoken to during their nights. George waited for his two friends before placing a hand on the railing and starting down the stairs. He could already smell the food from the Great Hall. Thick smells of pastry and cooked meals. Unfortunately his stomach twisted in protest. He'd eat at lunch. He needed to meet the others for himself first before hed allow himself to relax. Of course he was an idiot. He paused as the staircase lurched into life, taking them down another route. One day theyd learn which stairs moved where and no doubt they'd be up and down the castle in minutes before they left the school. He headed down into the large hall, looking for a selection of seats they could all take without bothering anyone. It was a fair distance down the table and the entire trip wasn't something he was comfortable with. Instead however, he tried to focus his thoughts on Sadie's excitement. He tucked himself onto the bench and managed to find something that he thought would cheer Sadie up more. "This will help you learn our world quicker." He smiled, passing her what seemed to be an abandoned Daily Prophet. "It's okay from time to time." George smiled, his hands nervouslg twisting his wand under the table.