[b]Emma - Bed and Breakfast - Enrique[/b] She followed Enrique to the back of the building, spotting the stump which he pointed out. His words boggled her mind - What on earth was he "Training" her for? She was their captive, their prisoner. She decided it best that she play along, and took the gun back from him. She took aim at the objects. She fired two shots that weren't aimed very carefully; one striking the bark of the stump bellow the targets and the other embedding itself into the ground. A laugh came from behind and she saw Berkley standing in the doorway. She found herself Extremely irritated by the man's presence. She shook her head, and returned her attention to the cans and bottles. She aimed slowly and carefully, lining up the perfect shot at a glass bottle. She fired and sent the glass splintering. By the time her clip had emptied, she'd hit her target with the 5 remaining bullets. She promptly turned to Berkley, who wore a neutral expression, and flipped him her middle finger. Laughter broke from two other scouts who were watching from the side of the building as Berkley's lip curled into as look of disgust. She turned to Enrique, slightly gratified at ticking off Berkley. "Why train me in anything? I'm your fricking prisoner, and we both know that I half-wanted to shoot you when you gave me this gun." ____________________________________________________________________ [b]Andrew and Zoë - The Road - Scouts[/b] Andrew listened as the larger guy responded to them, seeming to be the leader of the group. When he inquired of Metairie, Andrew nodded. "Yeah, we know our way around Metairie well enough." He said, truthfully. He'd attended several soccer camps in Metairie when he was a teen, and his several times gone with his Dad when he often visited the city for work business, so he knew it about as well as he knew New Orleans - Baton Rogue, however, he could navigate like the back of his hand. When the man said that their friend had been kidnapped, Andrew's brow rose. He knew that people were desperate in these days, but they'd only had a few encounters with hostile strangers. His mind was plagued with the thought of what he would do to get Zoë back if she'd been kidnapped... He shuddered to the thoughts, but he knew he'd shoot down every person he saw if that's what it would take. "Listen, I think we can help each other out. We've got knowledge of the area and car space - as I see that you guys are rather cramped. If you're willing to let us, we'll do our best to help you get your friend back." As he delivered his proposal, Zoë found herself slightly alarmed, but she didn't stop him. No, she didn't think that they could be of much help, but she knew that Andrew wasn't stupid. She may not have liked it, but he was her husband, and she would follow him.