Name: Allira Levaris Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearance: Allira is generally shorter than everyone else around her standing in at 4'10, she has pale skin that would be flawless if it wasn't always covered in mud and dirt, her dark brown hair is generally always tied back in a bun or something manageable so it doesn't get in the way, she has pale green eyes that are reminiscent of emeralds and they always seemingly have a twinkle to them complimented by the usual (fake) smile she always has, Her clothing is generally simple in appearance a simple dress with faded colors like greens and reds complimented by dulls like brown and gray normally her clothing generally has dirt or ink stains across them showing her lack of caring for her clothing. Village: Coldcoast: A simplistic little northern hamlet that is frozen year round, surrounded on it's north and east side by a pine forest which is a big source of money from the village, to the west is the ocean that is rife with icebergs and ice sheets but is a major resource to the village due to the abundance of fish and whales almost every candle and lamp in the town uses whale fat for fuel and is a resource that is kept firmly within the village proper. To the south is the Giant Spine Mountain range a set of mountains that are regarded as some of the highest in the world the mountain range firmly holds the village in place and they are firmly impassable by foot leaving the only way to enter the town through the forest. The Village proper is simplistic in design there is farm which grows hardy veggies year round and also takes care of sheep and a large single horned beast with a fur coat and a unpredictable temperament the locals call "The Yura Beast" It's a great source of fur, with milk that is high in proteins if a little odd tasting, and when the milk runs out they generally butcher it and eat it. It boasts a single blacksmith who is devoted to his job more than his wife, a great inn that is warm all year round, and the village wisdom who is kind of like the mayor, town healer, spiritual leader, and they are always female. The Pine Forest is so thick with trees it gives the illusion of always being night, thus it's aptly named Evernight Forest there is no road that cuts through it but a small puddle filled trail rife with snow melt and footprints from local lumber jacks and hunters. It is advised to never walk the forest alone and anyone who does is considered a great warrior within the village and is generally set for life, the problem with the forest is that it's rife with footpads and bandits as well packs of highly intelligent "Mau Cats" that can communicate with the same near telepathy that crows and ravens seem to have, they are highly vicious with claws that can tear through Yura hide like it's paper. The forest is also home to giant Yura beast herds and a species of white furred deer that is hunted for meat and hide alike. Background: Allaria was born to the village wisdom and her father was a outsider turned hunt leader. The two fell in love and eventually married, the result of said marriage was Allaria and her younger brother Elyas. They were a happy family Allaria was taught to eventually replace her mother as wisdom which implied a variety of skills from how to treat the sick and which herbs helped them, from village politics and how to make sure everyone was happy. But still she was curious about the outside world and after annoying her mother Allaria was eventually granted large stacks of books her mother imported in on all sorts of medical methods and the history of the land around them. On top of being trained on how to be the wisdom Allaria often went out with her father and brother on their hunts so she could find herbs, but with them she picked up a small amount of hunting skills like trapping and tracking. These little incursions made her closer with her father and brother, the latter pairing were as thick as thieves and nigh inseparable at times. But times changed and shortly after Allaria's 14th birthday her brother fell ill and both her and her mother tried everything they knew about herbs and medicine to try to cure them but it wasn't enough and months later her brother died in his sleep. Almost overnight the family was shattered Allaria's mother refused to help the sick and her father went hunting in the woods alone seemingly wishing upon himself a death that never came. The young girl seemingly took it very oddly she never grieved instead she threw herself into studies about medicine and death, looking for some way to reverse the effects of death and bring her brother back, the young girl never left her home a year passing and her mother and father eventually returning to normal. But still Allaria throws herself into her books and chasing after miracle herbs in the woods oblivious to the world changing around her, though her father and mother hope to bring her back out into the world with the upcoming harvest festival and announce her marriage plan with the blacksmiths son. Personal Aspirations: For my characters aspirations, a way to cheat death and bring back her brother and as the RP progresses her family and village, despite her brothers death she still loves to help people and will even go out of her way to protect the innocent and heal the sick. My aspirations for Allaria is to give her the best possible ending for her.