[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/2enp7p4.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][i]Pearleane Pompaque[/i][/h1] [b]Age:[/b] [i]11[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]House:[/b] [i]Hufflepuff[/i] [b]Magical Heritage:[/b] [i]Half-blood.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]The picture is a great start as to what Pearleane looks like. Though, that picture is of her a bit older. She had dark features (hair and eyes) and her skin tone is a soft cream color. However, she can tan very easily, and often receives a more olive tone during the warmer seasons because she prefers to be outside.[/i] [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] [i]"A young woman always has three things with her, do you know what those things are my darling?" Pearleane looked up at her mother with her large almond shaped dark eyes, "Is the first one candy?" the girl questioned, her tummy grumbling as she watched her mother cook up dinner that night, a cackle came from the woman's lips, she wiped away her tears as she shook her head at her only daughter, "No, my darling you must have class, ass, and sass." Pearleane nodded, and repeated, "class, sass, and ass, momma I got it- now when is dinner?" The woman shook her head once more, "Not now my child, go play and I'll call you when it's done." Pearleane was named after her great-grandmother on her very strictly pureblood mother's side. Her father (Frederick Pompaque) was a muggle and was only really around for Pearleane to be conceived. This may have gave Pearleane a bit of a prejudice against some muggles, but because of her kind and forgiving nature she tends to give everyone first and second chances. Pearleane's mother a pureblood (Claudia Wilhmer) single handedly raised the girl, and taught her to be hardworking, dedicated, and patient, even when things are overwhelming. It was no wonder the sorting hat placed her in Hufflepuff with no delay. Before going to Hogwarts she lived in a small one bedroom apartment with her mother, and didn't have too many glamorous things. Most if not all of her school supplies are second hand to her mother's. The young girl has a bit of a sweet tooth, and has often been known to keep various sweets and snacks in her bag. Though it has gotten her a few odd stares and name calling from some of the more fit peers, she makes friend's pretty easily. Her loyalty is true and steady; once you find friendship in her, you have a friend for life. [/i] [b]Personal Items:[/b] [i]A 7 inch Kneazle whiskers wand: Rosewood (Unyielding).[/i] [b]Special Gifts and Abilities:[/b] [i]Pearleane excels in Herbology naturally, but has not found her true hidden talent quite yet. She is quite interested in Transfiguration and Divination.[/i]