Name: Kakine Teitoku (aka Beetle 05) Age: Unknown. Appears to be in his mid-teens. Gender: Presumed Male Appearance: [url=]Potential Spoilers! (He's on the right.)[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Toaru Majutsu no Index Personality: Teitoku has an innate drive to protect others, especially those close to him. Similar to Touma, he's willing to put his life on the line in order to fulfill that ideal and pushes himself past his own limits to do so. Teitoku doesn't have a particular affinity for control from higher entities, preferring to make his own choices as to what's right and not. That aside, he's also a bit calculative and prefers to not attack unless provoked. Abilities/Weapons: Teitoku has the ability to create and manipulate Dark Matter, which for all intents and purposes ignores the laws of physics at will. It does not function like the dark matter that we know exists in our universe, though. Instead, Kakine is able to create it at will and form it into any shape he wishes. Furthermore, this matter can be used as replacement for organs and body parts, as seen by Kihara Byouri's implementation of the material in her own body. However, this does not come without side effects- A person with Dark Matter transplanted in them will have Teitoku's presence lingering in their mind. As he is, Teitoku doesn't have access to his full repertoire of his 'Awakened' form. He is unable to manipulate an 'infinite' (for lack of a better term) amount of Dark Matter, only able to draw off the reserves he builds up over time. As a being made of Dark Matter himself, he is also able to use Dark Matter to regenerate and manipulate his own body, which includes things like splitting and reforming his body into a multitude of rhinoceros beetles, for example. Backstory: [hider=Spoiler'd for convenience- it's all New Testament stuff.] Beetle 05 was originally just that- a beetle created out of Dark Matter by the original Kakine Teitoku. However, due to a bit of a 'malfunction' Beetle 05 gained self awareness as the rest of its brethren attempted to kill Last Order, Fremea Seivelun and the rest of their company under the orders of the original. After a bit of chaos thanks to these two girls, Beetle 05 brings them to Fraulein Kreutune as they attempt to 'save' their friend. As this happened, though, Beetle 05 went under a 'metamorphosis' of sorts, assuming the form of the original Kakine Teitoku as the one that had recreated itself from Dark matter faded out of existence. Afterwards, the new Kakine Teitoku inherited all of its predecessor's powers, but with a different personality- one it had created on its own by diverging from it's master. Afterwards, Teitoku assumed the role of Fremea's de facto protector until the end of the Agitate Halation arc, after which he went his won way. [/hider] Following the aforementioned incidents, Teitoku found himself being recommended by Last Order to follow 10032, under the excuse that "'Misaka is Misaka's friend and Misaka's big sister, so you have to protect her!' says Misaka as Misaka points to Misaka as Misaka prepares to enter the portal."... Or so she said. As such, Teitoku's been travelling alongside 10032 as she does whatever it is she's been doing. Faction: N/A